Thursday, May 2, 2013

This is the place...and other places

We woke up to snow yesterday.  On May 1st.  I could not believe my eyes, especially because we moved from Rexburg and that is something you would expect up there, but not so much down here in Salt Lake.  It made me sad, even more so because the day before it was in the 70's.  But unlike Rexburg, it melted before 9 am, so it wasn't all bad.

Today was nicer, and we went to "This is the Place" park.  It was nice to stroll around and look at the statues, but we didn't go into the village they have, because it would have cost $20 and I thought that was a ridiculous price for what they were offering.  But Ellie did try on a skin coon cap, so it worth the trip.

We headed over to Liberty Park, one of our favorites, to let Ellie run around and use up some of endless energy.  Can I just say how much she loves slides.  She is fearless when it comes to them.  She just throws herself down, feet first, head first, backwards, she really doesn't care as long is she going down that slide.  We really have to watch her, because sometimes she needs someone to catch her at the end.
Andy trying to climb a tree that was impossible to climb

making music at the park
Ellie is ready to drive

Our last stop of the day was Temple Square to look at the beautiful spring flowers.  Some many gorgeous tulips and other flowers!  Ellie kept trying to lean out of her stroller and pick them, so we had to keep a safe distance, because I'm sure they would not appreciate that.

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