Monday, February 4, 2013

Mad Max!

My  nephew Max is turning 5 years old today.  I really can't believe how the time flies!  Max was born premature and it was a terrifying time to see how he would do.  I remember the night before my sister went in to have Max, I was in the produce section of the grocery store crying on the phone with my brother-in-law as we tried to comfort each other that everything was going to be ok.
I was sitting in Microbiology the next day when my mom called to tell me that he was born, and that even though he had a long road ahead of him, he was going to be ok.
The only time Max would ever sit still again
I was at school when this all happened, and I eagerly waited until the spring break that April to get home and see this sweet boy.  Turned out it was good timing, because he came home from the hospital the day after got back to Seattle and it was a joyous time in our family.
I remember thinking that Max would be a docile little boy, I have never been more wrong.  Max is so full of life and energy, and imagination.  You would never know by being around him that he was premature because he has zero problems!
1st birthday
Max loves to push the limits, and be adventurous, hence the name Mad Max.  He can always make me laugh with the crazy things that he says and does.  He has always been so sweet and gentle around Ellie, and still calls her "baby Ellie".
I actually think that Max and Ellie are a lot alike, so at least I know what to expect.
The Wig

"Helping" Ellie open her birthday presents
Putting his beloved kitty in Ellie's car seat

 Max, keep growing and being the wild and crazy kid you are!  We love you so much!

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