Monday, December 10, 2012

Change is in the air

Wow, we have a lot going on right now, and I just got overwhelmed thinking about it and decided to write out my feelings.

  1. I'm pregnant!  I'm 11 weeks and due July 1st, I wouldn't even mind holding out 3 extra days and having the baby on the 4th of July.  We'll find out what it is in February, but I feel pretty confident that its a boy, but we'll be happy either way.  Ellie really has no idea whats going on, but I'm trying to teach her to be nice to her baby doll, and she really does love her doll.  Fingers crossed that all goes well on that front.
  2. Andy is graduating on Friday!!!!!!  We are so excited/nervous to begin this next phase of our lives.  He will be working for the school (BYU-Idaho) next semester as a studio assistant, and that will look pretty great on his resume. 
  3. We are moving to Utah at the end of April.  I'm going to be basically useless when it comes to moving because I'll be 30 weeks.  So good luck to Andy with that one.  
  4. Andy is applying to graduate school the next few months, and I think that is what really has me the most stressed.  We have no idea where we will be living for the next 2-3 years, or even if he will get into to grad school the first time he applies.  It also scares me because I'm really rooting for the school in Utah and California because its closer to family, but some of them are back east.  It would be cool to live out there for a while, but it also bums me out to think about being so far away from all the people we love.  I mean I take my role as an Aunt pretty seriously. :) 
  5. Ellie is allergic to some unknown object.  She breaks out in hives several times a day for no apparent reason.  Nothing in her diet or at home has changed, but it's still happening.  We are scratching our heads trying to figure it out.  Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother her at all.
  6. Our car is a piece of crap.  It keeps breaking down and with holiday travel starting next week, it is a little concerning.  Andy is outside right now braving the 20 degree weather to replace a part and hopefully that will fix the problem.  What a wonderful husband.
Phew, I'm glad I got that off my chest.  Really life is great, even with the harder stuff. 


  1. Well, I do know how you feel. Michael applied for grad school while I was pregnant with Eleanor and we found out days before we had her that we were moving to Utah for him to go to BYU. It was super nerve wracking but of course we were meant to be here. What part of Utah will you move to? I'd love to hang out if you're near by!! Most importantly, CONGRATULATIONS on the baby!!!

  2. TAMEL congrats! I'm so happy for you! If you come to Utah you HAVE to visit me in Provo. PLEASE.

    Your blog is the only I find worth reading so keep the updates coming,lady!

  3. Tami! I don't like to hear that you're stressed but it's understandable. I'm so happy for you guys with all the changes and I know it's going to be GREAT!! Hang in there with the car!
