Friday, September 7, 2012


I really want to be crafty, and it is not easy for me.  Andy is by far the artistic one, which makes sense, he is after all getting a BFA in ceramics.  Last fall I saw a project called Boo blocks, and they were so cute.  This fall I was looking at the website again, and I realized that I had all the supplies to do except scrapbook paper.  I went to a craft store and picked up some cheap paper, and got started.

I decided that I wanted them to say boo on one side, and fall on the other, that way I could leave them up September thru November, (an idea I got from here). I went and got the paper, and Andy cut the wood into blocks at the studio.  Can I just say that it is extremely convenient to have a husband with access to a machine to cut the wood, and who knows how to use said machine.

This is a really simple project, which is why I was able to do it.

Step 1: Cut wood into blocks, mine were 3x3
Step 2: Sand blocks
Step 3: Spray paint blocks, 2 coats give or take*
Step 4: Cut paper into square shapes
He's so sweet, he helped cut out the letters

Step 5: Print off letters, cut out
Step 6: Glue letters onto paper
Step 7: Glue paper onto blocks (I used a spray adhesive)
Step 8: Enjoy!!

*I let the blocks dry over night to be on the safe side.