Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sick Girl

Today was kind of long.  Ellie ran a low fever most of the day and wanted to be held.  If I walked away from her, she had a meltdown and came running after me.  Most of the day was spent with her on my hip as I went around and did the things that I needed to.

When the time came around to make dinner, I really didn't want to, and I debated about what to do.  I knew that if Andy came home from working at the studio all day and I said I was too tired to make dinner, he would immediately go put on an apron and cheerfully make dinner for us.  That thought made me feel guilty because I knew he would be tired from working.  Then I remembered that the last time I made spaghetti there was a lot of left over sauce and I froze it!  I took the sauce of the freezer, heated it up, boiled some noodles, and threw together a salad, and viola dinner was served!  I was so happy that I even put out the fancy silverware.

 I think I need to make more dinners that freeze well, because I'm a reluctant cook.
This is the face that Ellie had most of the day

1 comment:

  1. My Olive was super cranky today (no fever as an excuse) and she looked just like that :)
