Sunday, September 9, 2012


I've recently fallen in love wit D.I.  It really is amazing, and I could just kick myself for all the years wasted with one just down the street that I rarely visited.  My friend Olivia was always raving about it and showing me all the cute clothes and things that she got there for practically nothing and I would go with her every once in a while and find nothing.

Then I realized what I was doing wrong, I would casually look at things but never really look at things, if you know what I mean.  After I lost the weight from having Ellie I needed some new clothes, but I didn't want to buy any and I thought that I would give D.I. another shot.  I went in with a clear goal to leave with cute clothes, and it was a success!  Instead of just glancing at a rack of clothes I carefully combed through each item and found a lot of great stuff!  I've decided that it is the best place in the world to shop and I don't think I'll be able to just buy clothes in a regular store ever again (except for bathing suits, bra, etc because I just can't do that).

Now I go there for everything.  For example, earlier this summer we were going to Yellowstone for the day and needed a cooler to bring our lunch in.  I went to Walmart but they only had $10 and up coolers, and I was not going to do that.  The next day I went to D.I. and got a cooler for $2!

I guess I'll end this post with D.I.'s slogan: "Give stuff a second chance"

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