Tuesday, July 31, 2012

RIP Binky

Ellie has loved her binky since the day she was born.  I can not say thank you enough to brilliant madman who created this wondrous thing. I include madman with brilliant because for some kids it becomes something akin to heroin.  Thank goodness that Ellie's love had started wane as she got older and she only used it at naps, and bedtime.
  I've been trying to decide when and how to permanently get rid of her faithful companion, and then I realized that it wasn't really her who was wanting it anymore, it was me wanting her to have it and stay my little baby.  This is last vestige of her babyhood.  She is walking, mainly eating things without being fed, sleeping through the night, playing by herself, and doing all sorts of things that say toddler, not baby.  I'm going to miss the way in would hang slightly out her mouth while she slept, and how she would offer it to me when she got up from sleeping (even though it was covered in drool, it's the thought that counts).
Thankfully she was the perfect child with getting rid of the binky.  She whined for about 15 minutes, and then slept for 12 hours straight.

So good bye binky!  It was nice while we had you, and we'll be seeing you again when we have a second baby.
                                          RIP Binky
                                          August 2011-July 2012

How weird/adorable is it that Ellie walks around the house with some type of fabric in her mouth all the time?

1 comment:

  1. I was like 3 when I finally gave mine up, so way to go Ellie!
