Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Flaming Gorge Utah

I knew that Monday was going to be a hard day, because that was the day that I was supposed to be induced with Thomas.  Andy and I decided that getting away would be a good idea, and since he had 3 days off from work we could actually go somewhere.  We chose to go camping at Flaming Gorge and it was the best thing we could have done.

We got there set up camp, and did some hiking, and then we put Ellie to bed.  She actually slept really well in the tent which was a big plus.  Andy started a fire, and then we talked about Thomas.  We talked about how we should be having him today, our grief, and what we wanted in the future.  It was very therapeutic.  We both think its so important to involve Thomas as much as we can in our family even though he is not here physically. 
the shore of the reservoir
The next day we visited the Flaming Gorge Dam and took the tour.  I was prepared for a snooze fest but it was actually very interesting to learn about.  We went back to the campsite to try and get Ellie to take a nap, but she decided that she could only sleep if she was laying on top of me.  It was about 80 degrees outside, so I got pretty toasty with my 24 pound blanket on top of me.
Not the most flattering picture
We drove down to the reservoir to go swimming, and the water was cold!  I didn't go in except for my feet because I'm a wuss, but Andy and Ellie had a great time.  Ellie loved throwing rocks, playing in the mud, and splashing the water.  She threw a fit when it was time to leave.  I think we'll be putting in her swimming lessons this fall, because she loves water so much. 

throwing rocks
Ellie slept on me all night long.  I don't know why she wouldn't sleep in her own bed.  On Wednesday we drove to Vernal because we were going to do a walking tour, but we decided to make it a driving tour instead because, well, we were lazy.
"reading" on the drive

We thought this was funny because it looked like the dinosaur destroyed the building

Vernal Temple

Out cutie with skinned knees
It was a good trip and it was more than nice to get away.  You don't escape the grief when you leave, but going and doing something made the grief a little more endurable.  I know that one day in the future we will come to terms with the grief, and that life will continue to go on. 


  1. Flaming Gorge has a very tender spot in our (mine and Andrew's) hearts. When we first got married, we lived at worked at the Flaming Gorge Resort.

    I hope that each day that passes will bring a small added measure of joy, peace, understanding, or simply emotion to grieve.


  2. Vernal looks really pretty. You are in my thoughts.

  3. Your Ellie sure is a beautiful little girl! I think about you and your family every day. You are always in my prayers.

  4. Ellie is so beautiful! She's gonna be quite the heartbreaker. I'm glad you and Andy have each other. That's got to be the best therapy there is, a good husband. You're in my prayers.
