Monday, October 8, 2012

Just Jack

Today is my nephew Jack's 9th birthday, and what a fun 9 years it has been.  From the very beginning Jack has been a little comedian and always saying things that you would never expect to hear.  He has such a kind heart, and has made me grateful to be his auntie every single day for these last 9 years. 
This picture pretty much sums up Jack
We were able to be in Washington this weekend and spend some birthday time with Jack.  We celebrated by getting Slurpee's and watching Diary of Wimpy Kid.
To cool now that he is 9 to smile full on
Jack has always had the ability to melt my heart by doing little random things to show that he loves me.  When I first brought Andy home to meet my family Jack was a little jealous and was sitting right next to me.  Andy came into the room and I asked Jack to scoot over so that Andy could sit next me, and Jack said "Oh sure Aunt Tami", and proceeded to scoot so close to me it was like we super glued!  Like I said melt my heart.
Another time happened just this weekend, we were talking and I asked him if he could go anywhere in the world where would it be and he said with out even thinking about it "Rexburg because then I would be with you and Uncle Andy".  I love this kid!!
He loves Andy's computer
So here is to 9 years Jack, I know that you'll keep being the funny, loving, crazy, entertaining, sweet kid you are!  I love you!
pictures of Jack over the years

p.s. Can you stop getting so tall, because seriously you'll be taller than me by your 10th birthday

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