Friday, October 12, 2012

A night spent in the ER

Yesterday was a little bit of a crazy day for us.  I went on a walk with Ellie, like I do everyday, and I felt great.  Then for some reason when I got home I randomly passed out.  I woke up in the living room with Ellie using me as her own personal trampoline.  I don't know what happened or why, so I called Andy to come home just in case anything else happened.  Of coarse he came right home but for some reason, which I can only attribute to him being a boy, he decided that it would be fun to do a hand stand on this ceramic pot that we keep blankets in.  Well his hands slipped off some how and his leg slammed into pot, and he got hurt.  He was just laying there and trying to act like he was ok, but he couldn't get up and there was  huge lump and a bruise already forming on his shin.  I decided that we needed to go to the ER, and my visiting teacher Jessica was an angel and we were able to drop Ellie off at her house right away.
The pot, Ellie likes to sit in it and play

While we were waiting at the hospital we watched a little tv, which for us is a bit of a luxury because we don't have a tv.  The doctor said it wasn't broken, thank goodness, but that he had bruised his shin and muscle pretty much as bad as you can.  He's supposed to stay off it for a few days and just relax.  Good thing he doesn't have class on Fridays, and its the weekend.
Just waiting for the doctor
This isn't the best picture, looks a lot worse in person

I also realized that is has been about 2 years since the last time we were in ER, but then it was when Andy was in bike accident.  So here's to going more than 2 years without a visit to ER again!
After his bike accident, 2 years ago, notice the busted glasses

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