Sunday, September 2, 2012


Ellie got a great present from Anna, Andy's mom, for her birthday.  It was a quiet book!  I was really excited when she opened it, Ellie was really exciting to eat the wrapping paper it came in.  I tried to make Ellie a quiet book out of felt, because I saw one on pintrest and I thought it looked so easy.  Well turns out it was really hard and time consuming, and it would have probably would have gotten finished just time for when Ellie's children needed a quiet book at church.  She sat basically still throughout all of sacrament with it, and I swear I could hear the hallelujah chorus playing because we made it through sacrament without Ellie having a meltdown and having to be taken out into the hall.  We only let her have it on Sunday's so that way it always seems new and exciting to her.  It has pages on the word of wisdom, tithing, getting ready for church, the temple, missionaries, etc.  I love it!!

The pictures below are Andy and Ellie having fun on Sunday afternoon before Ellie's nap.  I like how after all the twirling in the air, Ellie's skirt was up by her armpits instead of her hips.

She really likes to pull this vase out Andy made and sit in it

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