Friday, August 31, 2012

Shots, needles, and tears

This week has been kind of tough for Ellie, except for Monday because that was her birthday.  She had to get vaccinations at the doctors, which left her with a low fever for two days.  The only good part about that was that she wanted to be cuddled all day, which lets face it, Ellie never wants to be held.
Sad Ellie
Then she had to get her iron tested, which is just a little prick in the toe, but she started freaking out before they did anything.  But the nurse was ready with a sticker, so Ellie decided that it wasn't so bad after all.

Today was probably the worst.  The doctor wanted her to get her blood tested for lead, which I guess is pretty common to get done around the first birthday.  We took her to the hospital where they do the test, and the second that the person came out who would be drawing her blood, Ellie started to cry, no excuse me, SCREAM!

They tried to do it first with Andy holding her but she was just being to wild.  So they wrapped her up like a burrito, except for one arm, and drew her blood.  It really took about 30 seconds, but it felt like an eternity.  When we got home Ellie was still sad, so we decided to give her half of a chocolate chip cookie, and I think that pretty much made the whole week worth it to her.

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