Monday, May 21, 2012

Family Adventures: Romero Style

We have done a lot these last few weeks, so this post might be kind of random and all over the place.  We went to Washington last week to be at my sister Peggy's wedding.  Ellie was such a good girl on the drive and even better on the way back to Rexburg.  I guess this cements that she is the best baby ever!  She had so much fun with her cousins, and was all smiles the whole weekend.
This is a picture that Tami Ewing, my moms best friend and who I am named after, took at the wedding.  Isn't it wonderful?!

On the drive to Seattle there is a bunch of horse statues at the top of this hill in eastern Washington, and Andy always wants to stop there but we never do.  Well we decided to stop on the way back to Rexburg and climb to the top of the hill.  It was pretty fun, not the climb, but being at the top.  We climbed on the horses and took pictures, and had a great time.  It was also a good time to stop and feed Ellie and let her have a break from the car.

Since we were in Washington for mothers day we didn't really get to do much because of the wedding.  This last Sunday I woke up to Andy bringing me waffles with strawberries in bed.  Then he brought me a card and candy bar.  I've been really wanting a spoon holder for spoons when I'm cooking so that the stove doesn't get dirty, and Andy made me 3 for mothers day!  What a guy!
Later that night we went to Heise and walked around and had a generally great time!

Me and Ellie by the river

 Elle being adorable
 Failed family picture
 Andy and Ellie taking a stroll
Lately Ellie has been snorting a lot when she is crawling around and doing other things.  When I was feeding Ellie her oatmeal tonight she kept snorting when she was eating.  It was pretty funny!
Finally Andy has been making a vase and it is almost 5 feet tall!  He's been making it for over a month!  A few days ago he had to smooth out the inside before it could be fired, so the picture below is Andy smoothing it out, its pretty great.

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