Friday, April 27, 2012

sweet husband

In my marriage, there are so many sweet little things that Andy does for me that lets me know that he loves me.  He makes me eggs most mornings, he'll tuck me in if I go to bed before he does, he carries the groceries in. But there is one little thing that he does that really gets to me, and it probably seems dumb to everyone else, but if he brushes his teeth before me in the morning or at night, he takes my toothbrush out and puts toothpaste on it, so when I go in it is all ready for me.  It just shows me that even in the most mundane and simple things that we do everyday, he is always thinking of me, and always trying to make my life a little easier.  I love this guy!

And I just can't do a blog post without putting up a picture of Ellie!

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