Friday, January 6, 2012

2 Nephews and a Niece

I just have to say it, and I know people will argue with me, but I have the best/cutest nephews and niece there are.  For Christmas we were able to stay at my sisters house for 5 days and I soaked up as much time as being Aunt Tami as I could!  We played, went and got ice cream, ate jam and toast, watched movies, and all other fun things you get to do with an 8 year old, 3 year old, and a 1 year old.

They are such a blessing in my life and I love them so much!  I miss them like crazy while we are back in Idaho, but being the cool kids that they are, they are always ready to play the second we are in Washington again.  Being an aunt is pretty awesome because you can be the cool one, the one who lets them get away with a little bit more than they are normally allowed to do.  They want to show you all their new toys and want your attention the whole time you are there, and sulk when you don't take them with you when you leave.

I love being an aunt!

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