Friday, November 2, 2012


I've noticed that a lot of people have been doing a challenge to write on Facebook everyday of the month of November something that they are grateful for.  Well, I'm bad at keeping up on things like that, so I'm going to write down a few things that I am grateful for on here.

1. A fun Halloween night with Andy and Ellie.  We handed out candy, watched a movie, had pizza, and     made root beer in the cauldron that Andy made for me.
Ellie kept trying to grab the smoke the dry ice was giving off
2. Ellie.  I could go on on why I'm grateful for Ellie.  I'll just put this one thing though, she is hilarious.  I honestly laugh every day I'm with her, because she is always doing funny and crazy things.  She is always on the go.  Andy put down a vase the other day that he is making and Ellie kept sitting on and giving it kisses.  She can drive me a little crazy with all her energy and naughtiness, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
3. Watching Andy and Ellie interact has got to be one of the highlights of my day.  He is endlessly patient with her, and is the best dad.  She is always so excited when he comes home, and loves to be "helping him with whatever he is doing.  The pictures below are when Andy was trying to sand the vase in the above picture and Ellie had to be there and helping out.
She was trying to sand too
Then she gave him a hug

I love my family so much, and even though we have our tough days when I want to rip my hair out, I always have a moment every single day that makes me grateful to be a wife and mother.

1 comment:

  1. Tami!!! What a great blog post!! btw that cauldron is awesome!
