Wednesday, May 30, 2012

9 months old!

Ellie turned 9 months old on Sunday and she is really getting to be such a big girl!

Ellie facts
  • 16 pounds (15%)
  • 26 1/2 inches (16%)
  • Sleeping through the night (most nights)
  • loves sweet potatoes, cheese, tuna, and bananas 
  • crawling
  • pulling herself up
  • claps when daddy come home
  • loves to splash and kick in the bath tub 
  • says dada, and mama
  • loves animals
  • keeps her feet up the whole time in high chair, and most of the time in her stroller
Ellie is the love of our life's, and everyday is a new adventure with her!

Ellie with her feet up
Ellie and I having fun on our walk

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