Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Big Girl

Ellie had her 6 month check up this week and she is getting so big! She is 14.5 pounds and 26 inches long, what happened to my little baby?  She was a champ while she got her shots and only cried for a few seconds.
She's drinking out of  a sippy cup now, and eating solid foods.  She loves to eat!  She hasn't found anything yet that she doesn't want to eat, so I'm pretty happy.  Hopefully she stays such a good eater.

She is also sitting up a lot more, but we still need to be there to catch her, because she'll just fall over all of sudden!  Crawling isn't far off, but I'm not ready for that yet, so it would be ok with me if she waits a little longer for that one!


  1. She's so cute! I can't believe how big she's getting. :)

  2. Geeze tam! I can't believe she is already drinking out of a sippy! Good work! What a doll! :)
