Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy awesome weekend

As the title will tell you, we had an awesome weekend!  We went down to Salt Lake to celebrate Andy's birthday and to bless Ellie.
Saturday was Andy's birthday and the first time that we left Ellie with anyone else.  She stayed with Grandma Anna and Grandpa Leo while we went to Lagoon.  It was so fun at Lagoon, even if we were missing our sweet little baby.  The only bad part was we broke the camera on the first ride we went on.  I guess they don't call the roller coaster wicked for no reason.  Later that day we went to Ikea, because Andy wanted to go so bad.  You know I really think that taking your kids to Ikea for entertainment is a great idea.  They can go through all the set-ups and play around, and its free!
Sunday we blessed Ellie at Andy's parents house, and it was so wonderful.  It was so great to see all those priesthood holders up with Ellie, and to hear the sweet blessing that Andy gave to her.  It was followed, of coarse, by delicious food that Anna made.
So all in all it was a great weekend, made even better by the fact that it was in the 70's the whole time that we were down there!

Isn't she so cute?

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