Friday, September 16, 2011

Now Presenting

Ellie Ruth Romero made her debut August 27th!  I was only in labor for 6 hours and it was a really great experience thanks to my good friend epidural.  She was 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long.  When she was first born she had pretty dark hair like her daddy, but now her hair has gotten a lot lighter and  is looking more red.  We'll see what happens, either way she is so cute!  My dad, mom and sister Kathryn were in town and got to be there to meet Ellie.

I have to say that the hospital is the worst place in the world to ever get any rest!  Every time I would fall asleep a nurse would come to either check on Ellie or to check on me.  Don't get me wrong, the nurses I had were so wonderful, but still no sleep.  Something good about the hospital was the amazing meal they made for Andy and I!  Shrimp, steak, rolls, salad, sparkling cider, the list goes on and on!

Ellie is such a wonderful baby!  She is only fussy if she really wants something and she makes the most adorable sounds all day long.  It is especially funny when she is sleeping and she lets out little sighs, and squeals, so cute!  She is going to be 3 weeks old tomorrow, and she is growing so fast!  She is already 7 pounds 6 ounces, and 21 inches.  She has us wrapped around her little finger,and we don't mind it at all!


  1. Yay! I can't wait to meet her and squeeze her!

  2. Tami, it's Courtney Stanley.. I hope you don't mind I've stumbled upon your blog and added it to my favorites :) Ellie is so precious!

  3. Hurray for baby Ellie Ruth! What a sweet little family. We are so happy for you.
